Detailed Class, Entertainment, and Demonstration Information 
Following are detailed descriptions of many of the classes we have tentatively scheduled for you at Prepper Camp 2025. (We are adding more classes and more details- so please bear with us, as not all classes are listed yet, more will be added as the event gets closer, and some are subject to change.)
(Class Schedules: will be posted 2 weeks before the event. So make sure to sign up for Updates!)
2024 Keynote Speaker – Professor David Clements – Election Integrity Attorney Filmmaker, Let My People Go Documentary
Saturday Night Key Note Address- Protecting the 2024 Election
David Clements is an attorney, and former award winning business law professor and prosecutor. During his legal career, Professor Clements was a leader in trial teams that secured eight first degree murder convictions, including members of the “AZ Boys” drug trafficking organization.
Professor Clements now applies his evidentiary and courtroom experience to the realm of elections. His advocacy has led to audits and canvassing operations being implemented across the country, with some efforts resulting in elimination of election machines that facilitate fraud. Professor Clements has been a regular guest on numerous conservative podcasts, including Steve Bannon’s War Room.
He is also the creator of the documentary “Let My People Go.”
2024 (2023 & 2022) Musical Guest – Five Times August
Saturday Night Musical Artist – Five Times August – The Political Protest Songs of Our Times.
Five Times August is the solo act of singer/songwriter Brad Skistimas. Skistimas has appeared on the FOX Business channel as an expert “Do-It-Yourself” indie artist and featured in Billboard Magazine, Performing Songwriter, Guitar Player, People Magazine, and USA Today. He was the first completely unsigned act to have an album distributed in Walmart stores nationwide with 2007’s “The Independent.” The music has been featured on many popular TV shows, commercials, and films and tour dates have supported some of the nation’s top acts.
In early 2021 Five Times August began releasing a series of protest songs taking aim at Covid-era regulations, the Biden administration, and most recently Anthony Fauci with the hit song “Sad Little Man,” which has reached #1 on several Amazon and Apple Music charts.
Several of the music videos for these tracks have been suppressed or censored on social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook. Despite being restricted by big tech recent press includes prominent features on Glenn Beck, Chad Prather, Del Bigtree’s The HighWire, The Federalist, The Post Millennial, RebelNews, and more. Most recently Skistimas performed his song “Silent War” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC for 35,000 attendees at the Defeat the Mandate rally on January 23rd.
Brad will play some of his most popular protest songs prior to the Key Note address on Saturday Night.
Click here for Five Times August YouTube Channel
2024 Movies and Demonstrations
Prepper Camp 2024 Movies for Your Viewing Pleasure and Information
Hide Your Food – You Better Be Prepared. | Secret Homestead of Survival Friday Lunch – 12:30 pm – South Tent 3
Are you prepared for what happens next? Meet My Neighbor Productions takes you on a journey to the Secret Homestead of Survival with the Survivalist Gardener @SurvivalistGardener (Rick Austin) and Survivor Jane @Survivor Jane (Jane Austin) who were featured on numerous international television programs, including National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers.
Rick and Jane have created a permaculture survivalist homestead hidden within the Appalachian Mountains. The Austins are authors of numerous survival books and run the largest Prepper education camp in the country.
Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare – Friday Night 8:00 pm – South Tent 3
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare was a secret organization formed by Winston Churchill in 1940, during World War II. The organization was responsible for conducting covert operations behind enemy lines, with the goal of disrupting German naval operations and crippling the Nazi war machine.
The film “The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare” is based on the true story of Operation Postmaster, a mission carried out by the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and the Small Scale Raiding Force (SSRF) in 1941. The operation involved stealing two German tugboats and one Italian merchant vessel, and then using them to cripple Nazi Germany’s U-Boat operations in the Atlantic.
Let My People Go Documentary –Professor David Clements – Saturday Lunch – 12:30 pm – South Tent 3
David Clements, a former law professor and attorney, has released a documentary titled “Let My People Go” that investigates the 2020 election theft. The documentary features several experts, including Jeffrey Lenberg, a former Sandia National Labs nation-state vulnerability expert; Dr. Walter Daugherity, a renowned computer scientist; and Joe Hoft, a CPA and auditor.
The documentary aims to connect the dots about the rigged election machines and software, from input to output. It features interviews with experts who have conducted audits and research on the U.S. election system, revealing vulnerabilities and irregularities that led to the theft of the 2020 election.
Grid Down Power Up- Sunday Lunch – 12:30 pm – South Tent 3
Dennis Quaid hosts an ‘electrifying’ Exposé of the most urgent threat to our national security joined by a tour-de-force of experts who pull no punches proclaiming the grid is a ticking time bomb, left unchanged, the power may go out, for good.
Grid Down, Power Up provides an alarming look into the potential of life without power. A dynamic legion of energy, economic, national security & infrastructure experts fearlessly exposes our most critical global threat: the vulnerability of our nation’s power grids. Together they inform the public of imminent threats & the infinite horrors in store from prolonged power loss. Buckle down & power up with this series of shocking scenarios. The world can’t survive without power & our electric grids are plagued with problems.
Fortress K9 Special Dog Demos
Lunch Time (12:30 pm) Every day, Across from the Fortress K9 Booth Space.
Come see the Fortress K9 Protection Dogs demonstrate their abilities in stability and agility walking ropes, climbing ladders, walking planks, as well as their protection capabilities each day during the lunch break.
Friday – Obedience and Agility crossing beams and ladders and doing obedience throughout.
Saturday – Protection and Stability – Fortress K9 will run several scenarios with the dogs (including bite work) and also show stability training.
Sunday – Obedience and Agility.
Night Vision and Thermal Optics Demo
South Tent 1, Friday 8:00pm
Ever wonder what looking through Night Vision Goggles and Thermal Optics is like? Well come down to South Tent 1 at 8:00 pm on Friday Night and you will get to see with your own eyes.
Men’s Alliance Demonstration: Friday and Saturday Lunch Time (12:30 pm), Behind the North Tent
Men’s Alliance is a tribe of men that meet in-person weekly for a rugged outdoor workout followed by a real-world devotion around a fire. We flip tires, swing sledgehammers, talk about real world struggles, and get pushed physically and spiritually to be the men God designed us to be.
Workout groups & Bible studies are everywhere, but a tribe is a very rare thing indeed. That’s why men join Men’s Alliance. It’s not the workout or the devotion, as much as it is the tribe.
Sunday Sunrise Service – Sunday 8:00 am – South Tent 3;
Pastor Dr. Rex Walker
A sermon for the preparedness minded during these biblical times. Meet in the Main Tent (South Tent 3) by the Water Front, On Sunday Morning at 8:00.
2024 Tentative Classes (in alphabetical order):
Artificial Intelligence (AI) – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Sean Patrick Tario
In this class, we will discuss the effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on your life today and in the coming years. We will explore the potential good and bad consequences of the increasing use of AI. The science fiction depictions of AI will soon no longer be fiction. From HAL in 2001 a Space Odyssey to the Terminator, these applications of AI are becoming reality.
One theme that is not common in movies is the potential for tyranny because of AI’s ability to monitor and profile individuals. Big Brother has grown up and he has all your personal data to train AI to track you. In this class you will learn the ways that AI is used to monitor, control, and manipulate you. Starting with your cell phone metadata, it will know who you call, what food you like, where you shop, what you buy, what you search for on the internet, what websites you visit, and who you associate with. From there it, will control and manipulate you by what search results you see, who’s posts you get to see on social media, and filtering what news it wants you see and hiding the rest.
Most importantly, you will learn how to stop giving your private information away and to reduce your digital footprint starting today! You will learn how to break the connections they are using to connect the dots, thereby limiting what AI can learn about you going forward.
Avoiding abduction – Don’t be the Victim
Sara Hathaway
The threats to women and children seem ever-increasing in this twisted world. Distractions from modern technology add to the vulnerability. Women and children must know how to respond if evil comes for them. Increasing awareness of the area around them is critical, but they also need reliable defensive strategies.
This class teaches individuals how to avoid transportation to a secondary location and why that is critical. You’ll learn what to do if a firearm is pulled and how to escape many of the bondage methods criminals deploy. You need to know what to say and how to attract attention to find help. Most importantly, you need to know how to escape or end the situation so you can return home safely.
Beekeeping Basics
Greg New
This class will cover the following:
· The Colony and Its Organization (Queen, Drones, Workers, Laying Workers, Bee Development, Brood);
· Beekeeping Clothing and Equipment
· Starting with Bees (Package Bees, Nucleus Colonies, Buying Established Colonies, Collecting Swarms, Apiary Location and requirements.
· Handling Bees Colony Management, Importance of Smoke, Early Spring, Swarm, Summer, Fall and Winter Management.
· Identify and Treat a Some Basic Hive Pests, and Their Management.
Honey Production and Processing
Beginning Blacksmithing
Andrew Pitts
Blacksmithing can be an invaluable element to your homesteading or preparedness planning. The skills used will require a dedicated place to practice, good instruction and a set of tools. In this class we discuss some of the many options available to the beginner blacksmith . In my previous class Blacksmithing on the Cheap we focused on constructing a forge by scrapping and a scrounging the necessary parts. This class will focus more on sourcing parts from the local hardware store and laying a foundation for good technique.
Bug Out Bags – Create One that is Realistic, Light, Smart, and Fight Ready.
Jan Emore
Let’s face it. People have too much stuff in their bug out bags. Most people’s bags are too big, too heavy, and can make you a target in a critical situation.
Jan Emore has a smart way to create your bug out bag, so that is half “minimalist” survival bag, and half basic ballistics bag. Times are a changin’, and your bug out bag may need a change too.
Come find out how to build a bug out bag that is lightweight as well as hunt/fight ready.
Butchering Class
James Davis
Whether you are raising your own livestock, or hunting for your food, you will need to know how to process those animals into meat. Whether it is rabbit, chickens, turkeys, hogs, or deer, most of the animals are processed in much the same way. Learn how to safely process your own animals, what equipment to use, as well as the different cuts of meat, where they those cuts are on the carcass, how to get them, and how to store them.
This is a live demonstration class of animals that have already been dispatched.
Colloidal Silver -The Virus Killer – for Emergency Preparedness
Jonathan Glauser
Colloidal Silver is one of the most invaluable items to have on hand in an emergency situation. It can be extremely useful for medical first aid, as Colloidal Silver heals the skin better than anything else can. Great to have on hand for cuts, punctures, burns, infections, etc. Colloidal Silver can be taken internally as a natural antibiotic, helping the body fight infections, and is crucial to have on hand in the case of a biological attack. Colloidal Silver, when made correctly, can be applied directly in the eyes, ears, sinuses, and even lungs. In addition, Colloidal Silver can be used to disinfect water and preserve food.
Jonathan Glauser is the creator of Mountain Well-Being and is a leading expert in the field of colloidal minerals and natural health products. He’s been manufacturing the finest quality Colloidal Silver, Colloidal Gold, and Colloidal Copper for 15 years. Come learn everything you ever wanted to know about Colloidal Silver. All questions will be answered. Jonathan will also cover other key nutritional supplements that are essential for optimal health, such as Organic Sulfur (MSM), Iodine, Dimethylglycine (DMG), Superfoods such as Moringa and Blue-Green Algae, as well as touch on Colloidal Gold and Colloidal Copper uses. This is a very informative class for those that care about natural health.
CQB Class (Close Quarters Battle; Room Clearing)
Kerry Alzner
The CQB “Close Quarters Battle”, i.e. “Room Clearing” class will cover the basic mechanics of 1-2 men room clearing techniques. Teaching you how to safely clear a structure in a grid down situation. You’ll learn how to stack on a door, Know what side to stack on depending on which way it opens. How to clear the doorway (Fatal funnel), which way to go when you enter the room. Pieing around walls, clearing corners. You’ll learn what is your point of domination in a room. How to enter a CORNER FED ROOM or a CENTER FED ROOM. (If you don’t know what that is, attend the class) You’ll be taught how to clear rooms with a long gun or a handgun.
Dutch Oven & Camp Cooking
Ronald “Pork Chop” Mangum
Ron will be cooking from morning to evening every day breakfast, lunch and dinner. He will do breakfast casseroles, some kind of stew, soup or chili for lunch, and he will have cobblers or cakes in the evening times, as well as a main course.
During class Ron will go over seasoning cast iron, learning how to cook over an open fire, or in a traditional oven, as well as handouts on the charcoal temperatures and recipes that I have used in the past.
Ron will open the class up for instructional conversation with a hands on approach as well as teaching how to stack and or the uses of the lids of the Dutch ovens.
Ron will also go through the process of seasoning some cast iron as well as cleaning and maintaining the cast iron, with a small dip in to the history of cast iron and why it is still the best cooking surface today.
Emergency Shelter Class
Nick Dunham
In this class, participants will learn how to make a rapid deploy and quick release tarp shelter system. It will include a lesson on specific knots and hitches used in making a ridgeline as well as a demonstration of how to stage a ridgeline for rapid deployment. This class will also demonstrate 3 different tarp configurations which can quickly be reconfigured to adapt to changing weather conditions. Finally, there will be a demonstration of how to quickly take down and stow the tarp shelter for rapid egress.
By the end of this class, participants will have the knowledge they need to set up an emergency tarp shelter in under 5 minutes. They will also understand how to orient and configure the shelter to best suit the needs of specific conditions. Finally, participants will gain the knowledge to deconstruct the shelter and egress in under 30 seconds.
Every Prepper Needs a Home-Based Business
Forrest Garvin
Self-sufficiency is the ability to provide for one’s needs without relying on external resources or support. In this sense, owning a home-based business is crucial to achieving self-sufficiency. It provides a source of income and allows individuals to be self-reliant regarding their career and financial security.
Topics include the following:
- Financial preparedness: A home-based business can provide a secondary source of income, which can be especially important in times of financial uncertainty or crisis.
- Independence and self-reliance: A home-based business allows individuals to control their income and career rather than relying on a traditional employer. This can be especially important for those who value independence and self-reliance.
- Flexibility and convenience: A home-based business allows individuals to set their schedule and work at their own pace, which can be especially beneficial for those with families or other time commitments.
- Lower overhead and startup costs: Starting a home-based business requires less upfront investment and has lower overhead costs than a traditional brick-and-mortar business.
- Disaster preparedness: In a natural disaster or other emergencies, a home-based business may be able to continue operating even if traditional businesses are disrupted.
This class will also cover practical considerations for starting and running a home-based business, such as selecting a business idea, marketing, and sales strategies, and financial management.
Firearms for Women
Nicolle Wallace
Ladies are the fastest growing demographic in the area of firearms. As women, we face many situations that are unique to us. Our bodies are designed differently and that makes details and options very important.
Firearms, and all that encompass them, can be confusing and intimidating. In this class we will break down the world of firearms into easy to understand language. We will discuss how to find the firearm(s) that will serve you best. Most firearms can be easily modified and accessorized to fit you and your situation. There are options on how we carry them and store them in our homes. Come learn the acronyms and terms commonly spoken about firearms so you can be knowledgeable and not be taken advantage of by a salesman who “knows exactly what you need”.
Fire Starting
Melvin Case
Knowing how to start a fire can be the difference between life and death in a survival situation. In this class you will learn and multiple fire starting techniques for all scenarios, that could keep you warm, provide cooking for meals, safe drinking water, and even signal for help.
Food Storage Feasting – Making a Feast Out of Food Storage
Deb Davis
Preparing meals from your long-term storage food shouldn’t be a trial, especially when you’re already in a crisis. And eating great tasting food, by using your food stores to their greatest potential, is a morale booster for your family and group, as well.
Deb has been cooking, canning, and preparing food for a long time. Rice and beans may be basic fodder, but they don’t have to be boring. She helps bring verve and zest to the routine requirements of daily food. She also points out how to modify the food for your body’s best use.
With Food Storage Feasting, Deb will teach you how to integrate long-shelf-life, common ingredients into your daily menu. As well as what to do when you need quick fixes on the run! Food can be fun, and learn how to make it, keep it, and enjoy it, with Food Storage Feasting!
Foraging Wild Mushrooms
Jonathan Glauser
Learn about many of the healthy and nutritious wild edible mushrooms of our region. Learn how to find, identify, and preserve some of the best mushrooms this area has to offer. Mushroom foraging is a very valuable skill to have because you can supplement your protein and nutrition needs as well as find some of the most powerful medicine Nature has to offer…all for free!
Freeze-Drying for Survival
Ryan Buford
With food prices on the rise and food security at a dismal low, the prepared are extending food preps beyond the foreseeable future. Freeze drying is a method of food preservation that is not new, but has recently emerged as a viable pre-emptive tool for long-term food storage at home.
Ryan Buford has been freeze drying food with a home freeze dryer for the past 5 years and recently started a targeted freeze-dried food business. Lessons learned through experimentation and execution will be shared as a teaching and learning experience unlike anything you’ll find anywhere.
Learn from our mistakes and our successes. The knowledge relayed from personal experience will help you decide whether freeze drying is right for you – before you make the investment.
In this course you will learn:
- What freeze drying is – and what it isn’t
- Nutritional value of freeze-dried foods
- Flavor profiles and overcoming problems
- What not to freeze dry
- How and when to reconstitute
- Storage and shelf-life benefits and drawbacks
- Effective volumes of food preservation at full operation
- Timelines, space requirements, and energy consumption
- Cost-benefit-analysis of owning your own freeze dryer
Get Off the Grid- Starting Now.
Rick Austin
If you are worried about inflation, the cost and availability of food, keeping your job, the price of fuel, and the coming financial crash, you need to get off the grid- now!
When you Get Off Grid- It is not just about getting off the power grid- It is about getting off the currency grid, the work grid, the commute grid, and the food grid.
Getting off the Grid is not about saving the planet – It’s about saving yourself. It’s about saving your own economic freedom, freedom from stress, freedom from debt, freedom from slavery, freedom from banks and bosses, freedom from the poisonous in our industrial food system, freedom from the health care system, and the freedom of your own long term security.
Ultimately getting off the grid, creates security and happiness.
You can get off the grid, starting now- by doing simple things that will save you lots of money. And you don’t need to spend $40,000 on solar panels to do it.
Find out how Rick Austin and Survivor Jane got off the grid- and how you can too. Starting Right Now!
Ghost Phones and Ghost Computers- How Not to Be Seen By the Digital Enemy
Sean Tario
If I gave you a weapon to fight in a battle, did not give you any training on how the weapon actually works, and then told you it had a GPS tracking device, microphone and camera that was being tracked by the enemy… would you use it?
So why do we continue to use phones, laptops, “smart” TVs and related devices that are controlled and owned by the very companies and organizations that are trying to eliminate us? Using a secure browser and VPN only serves as a band-aid to a more pressing issue in that the core operating system of most all Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon devices is controlled and owned by the very companies we are trying to keep OUT of our lives!
This class will focus on the fundamentals and demonstrate the use of open source systems and devices that help you reclaim your digital sovereignty and privacy without needing to sacrifice your productivity.
Guerrilla Warfare – (Fighting Back Against an Occupying Force)
Kerry Alzner
In this class you will learn how to fight using groups of irregular troops within areas occupied by the enemy. As a Special Forces NCO, teaching guerrilla warfare was Kerry Alzner’s main topic. Special Forces was founded on the need to penetrate hostile areas behind enemy lines and recruit, train and lead guerrilla armies against the enemy government or regimes that oppress the people. With potential enemies already on our soil, we made need to understand how to fight back to protect our families, our neighborhoods, our counties and our country.
Ham Radio -Practical Radio Preps- Communications – Stuff You Need to Know
Tighe Kuykendall
Become a communications asset!
Join me as we talk about the basics of communications and how you can stay informed and connected with family, friends, neighbors, and others across your state or across the country, no matter what the circumstances.
We’ll discuss licensing, radio equipment including low cost shortwave receivers, improvised and homemade antennas, radio direction finding, communications procedures, and how to practice your radio skills.
And if you are not sure what to do with your new radio, we’ll go through programming examples for some common models and how you can get on the air to practice, along with how to build your own Comms Go Bag.
Herbal Animal Care
Dr. Amanda Cartwright
Do you have pets or livestock animals? What is your first thought when they are going through a minor or major health crisis? Call the Veterinarian? What if you can’t afford a veterinarian visit or there is not veterinarian to call? A great solution is to grow herbs and know how to use them for your animals!
Many people do not realize there are herbs that can help with poisoning, snakebites, burns, wounds, allergies, other animal attacks, etc. Many people have successfully saved an animal from a dire medical emergency with only their knowledge of herbs they grow! Even if you never need this information, it is good to have this wisdom in the times we are now living in.
Home Defense
Nicolle Wallace
Our Home Defense Course will delve into just what it takes to keep your most valuable assets safe. These assets are your spouse, kids, and friends. Property can be replaced through your insurance policies, but a life and mental anguish is something which can never be fully recovered from.
We all have watched the news and seen how violent crimes are on the rise, especially since politicians are cutting the budgets of our local Law Enforcement Officers and allowing convicted violent criminals to be released from prisons.
These same politicians understand the threat and live inside homes surrounded by fences, protected by strong men and women who carry firearms that you could never be allowed to own, and have the most expensive Security Systems available.
- Here are the topics we will discuss:
- The Criminal’s Profile
- The Sheep Dog
- Perimeter Security
- Emergency Kits
- Inside of your Home
- Outside of your Home
- Have a Plan
- Firearms & Equipment
Firearms are not your only choice for Home Defense. But they are the most effective. Bad Guys typically stop their attack once they have been shot multiple times.
Homesteading Reality- Making the Most Out of Your Homestead
Survivor Jane
After 15 years of homesteading, Jane has learned that all that glitters is not gold. All those pictures, videos, and posts you see on social media, of beautiful ranch-style houses, with green grounds peppered with flocks of ducks, cute baby chicks and bunnies, and innovative DIY projects, are only part of the tale.
Jane will share the other part – the reality of what really happens as she and hubby, Rick Austin; full-time homesteaders and, self-reliant solely on how successful their endeavors are, meet the challenges of off-grid living.
How to Be Mentally and Spiritually Prepared for the Worst
Dr. Rex Walker
The whole world is on the verge of chaos. Inflation, the economy, and the stability of our society are all on the precipice of total collapse.
There are many people who are prepared and are continuing to prepare for what could be the worst times of our lives and possibly the worst that America has ever seen.
But most people are not Spiritually or mentally prepared to be isolated or cut off from the world or information. Are you ready? It could happen in a moment’s notice. THE BEST TOOL AND RESOURCE THAT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU IS YOU!. Are you prepared to lead and encourage others during difficult times? The importance is not to just survive, IT IS TO THRIVE!
Even under the most difficult conditions you can and should have hope and encouragement. BE PREPARED MENTALLY AND ESPECIALLY SPIRITUALLY. This is the key to ultimate preparedness!
How to Reload Ammunition
Nik Davrados
Have you ever heard wondered about ammunition reloading?
Have you been curious about doing it yourself, but are intimidated by the unknown?
Have you gotten bogged down in all of the different equipment and processes?
Nik Davrados (Redeye Reloading) will tell you about the basic process and benefits of hand-loading your own ammunition, as well the best equipment selection to perform the basic process.
By the end of the class we will help everyone answer two important questions; is handloading for me, and can I do this? The former depends on you, but the latter is an overwhelming YES.
How to Turn Your Neighbors into Preppers
James Walton
For a long time, we (as Preppers) have envisioned that a MAG or specialized group, are our only options for surviving a collapse of society.
The reality is that the people who come to your aid in an emergency, are often actually your neighbors. So, how do you turn your neighbors into preppers to survive as a community?
Much has changed since the early 2000s. After natural disasters, the pandemic and what is happening to our economy, more people are open to prepping and homesteading than ever before. Now is your chance to open the door and invite people to take advantage of this incredible lifestyle.
How To Use Herbs Medicinally
Dr. Amanda Cartwright
As preppers, we prepare for many things. Sometimes we unfortunately take our health for granted. What will you do in a survival situation when there is a medical emergency or have an allergic reaction to a simple bee sting? Many herbs grow in your backyard and are known as “weeds” to most people. These are invaluable in a survival situation.
Amanda will discuss how to use these herbs medicinally. Whether it is making an infusion (tea), decoction, poultice, salve, or tincture, learning how to use herbs can help many situations.
Immunity: How to keep you and your loved ones healthy
Shanais Pelka
Immunity discusses our immune system in detail, pathogens, the terrain theory, and what to do to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. This course details how to balance your body to achieve enhanced immunity through nutrition, lifestyle tips, and daily supplementation. We will discuss tonic herbs and mushrooms that you can grow yourself to support daily immunity, as well as herbs used for acute sickness. We will discuss digestion, the gut, the liver, and the adrenal glands for balanced immunity.
In this class, you will learn some important nutrition tips and herbal tea recipes to support overall immunity and wellness, as well as other herbal recipes for enhanced immune support during the cold and flu season.
Knives – Everything You Ever Wanted to Know
Jason Barr
What is the difference (pros and cons) of various knives, blades, geometry, materials, etc., and what should each be used for? There are certainly different types of knives for different jobs, but all too often people try to use one tool for all jobs.
My wife, Heather, and I have a small homestead where we raise sheep, chickens, donkeys, along with our pack of cattle dogs. We use knives every day and know the struggle of keeping those things sharp, whether we are butchering sheep or chickens, or cutting open bales of hay.
Join us for this class to learn how to choose the proper knife for the proper job and also how to keep those blades sharp in the field or kitchen.
Making Soap 101
Few people realize that the 3rd highest cause of cancer is said to be related to chemicals normally found in hygiene related products we use today in our homes, on ourselves and on our families. Learn to make something as simple and humble as your own soap. Imagine knowing exactly what is in it before using it? And in a true “you’re on your own” long term situation, think about how important soap would be (or the lack of it).
In this class you’ll learn how simple it is to make your own soap. You’ll learn about the basic ingredients, how and why they work together, options for additives and the process itself. I’ll also explain the truth surrounding how “dangerous” lye really is. I’ll provide you the knowledge to change a healthy and appropriate “fear” into “respect” for lye. I’ll explain it’s importance and how to safely handle it or produce your own if needed. After this class, you may never buy soap again! You’ll know what of only 2 ingredients are needed and how to use them to make your own. Yeah, really.
Meshtastic – The Ultimate SHTF Communication. Totally Secure, and Totally Off-grid.
Chin Gibson
How can you communicate in an emergency where there is no cell phone service? How do you communicate when the grid and internet are down too?
Sure, you can use handheld walkie-talkie type radios using Ham, MURS, GMRS, or FRS channels, but anyone that wants to, can hear everything that you are saying and they can triangulate your location.
And what if you also needed to know where a family member or teammates were located?
With Meshtastic you can communicate without any connection to a cellular network, or even the internet, and send encrypted private messages to individuals, or to groups without anyone knowing.
And you can visually keep track of your family or your team on a map, while they are on the move.
Meshtastic works using a tiny little $65.00 radio that is blue toothed to your phone (with no cellphone signal needed). You just use your phone as an screen to send and receive messages over the air using the radio. The messages are encrypted end to end, so no one can eavesdrop on your conversation, and no one can triangulate your location.
In this class we will go over several scenarios where you can use Meshtastic, before, during and after a SHTF event.
Mindset: The Most Important Fundamental of Preparedness
Brian Duff
Get ready to unlock your full potential in our exciting course, “Mindset: The Most Important Fundamental of Preparedness!” Discover the true power of mindset as we delve into the core of human consciousness, exploring the fascinating interplay between lived experiences, perception versus reality, and the visionary ideas of John Boyd’s “Destruction and Creation.” Join us as we master the art of 360-degree preparedness, learning to think like the opposition while harnessing self-control through a deep understanding of perception and reality. It’s time to transform your outlook and become the prepared, resilient individual you were always meant to be. Join us for this mind-expanding journey!
Night Vision and Thermal Optics
Cameron Evans
Own the night! Are you considering investing in night vision or thermal optics? This class provides an overview and answers questions you may have about these next level optics. We will go over classifications, configurations, specifications, applications, training, and care and maintenance of these optics.
Owning and training with this level of gear gives you a game changing advantage. It could be the difference between thriving or nearly surviving.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense: A practical guide to survival in an NBC environment.
David Jones
In this class you will learn the effects of a Nuclear blast, how far they travel, as well as fallout: how it travels, what it will effect and how to protect yourself from it. You will also learn how to build a Faraday Gage and more importantly, what to put in it!
To bunker or not to bunker that is the question.
Learn the best protection in a chemical attack, the number one killer in any NBC attack, the best protection from a biological agent or pandemics including Anthrax, Ebloa, the Zika Virus and the flu.
This class will give you practical steps everyone can take to protect themselves and their family.
Personal Drones – Post Disaster
Michael McKinley
Off the shelf consumer drones can be a force multiplier in a SHTF scenario, as well as everyday monitoring of your property and your area. Learn how a personal drone can be your high platform observation post. Find out how you can use it in a manner that will unlikely be detected, and how cameras, and thermal optics can multiply your ability to see what is going on around you.
Small drones can even be used to deliver payloads, from life saving water and first aid in a Search and Rescue operation, to information and supplies for your team on patrol.
We’re going to concentrate on the middle of the road types of drones and their uses in a post SHTF scenario. We’ll be going over types of drones, the many sizes of drones and the many tactical uses of a drone in the current political climate. Don’t be paranoid, be prepared.
Preparing For An EMP and Grid Down Scenario
Chuck Jaeger
In this EMP Preparedness class, participants will gain a complete understanding of how electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) are created and what are the expected consequences. The presentation will cover the potential threats, possible players and the scenarios that may create such events and how the rest of the world might respond. After that we will cover the aftermath and the infrastructure that will be affected. Then Chuck will discuss the direct implications for individuals and how the general population might react.
For the second half we will shift our focus and discuss how to prepare effectively for such an event. We will cover what supplies might be required and the preparations one should take to prepare for such a world. This will include how to protect your electronics with EMP shielding bags and finally we will go step by step building and testing a Faraday cage.
Project Appleseed- Learn Rifle Marksmanship- for All Skill Levels
Rick Martin
Project Appleseed™ is a nationwide 501(c)3 non-profit organization staffed entirely by volunteers who are committed to upholding the values and principles of America’s founding fathers. We use rifle and pistol marksmanship instruction as a gateway to help bring our nation’s history to life and to show that many of the values that our forefathers relied upon to win our independence are still very much in demand today.
This class gives you a brief overview of the rifle marksmanship and early American heritage that will introduce individuals of all skill levels to the knowledge that was so crucial to the success of our nation’s founders. Find out why your target never lies to you, learn why a simple sling will give you the most stable field shooting position, and learn the tripod of rifle marksmanship: a steady position, the 6 steps of firing the shot, and natural point of aim. We look forward to seeing you!
Primitive Wilderness Survival Skills
Richard Cleveland
As preppers, we all know the importance of a well-stocked homestead, but as we know emergencies come in all shapes and sizes. Have you ever considered, having to “Bug Out,” perhaps with very little?
Join Earth School’s founder Richard Cleveland as he discusses the realities of Primitive Survival and how it relates to prepping.
Restoring Cast Iron Cookware
Neal Morris
If you have cast iron cook wear that is crusty, dirty, sticky, or rusty and don’t know how to fix it, attend the class. By the end, you’ll be able to make your pan look and function like brand new.
During the class you will learn:
1- Brief history and properties of cast iron cookware.
2- The differences between new and vintage cast-iron.
3- What to look for, and where to look for, vintage cast-iron.
4- How to restore damaged, carbon encrusted, and rusty cast-iron cookware.
5- How to properly season and maintain cast-iron cookware.
6- Cooking with cast iron.
Restoring old cast-iron takes some time, but it is well worth it.
Rick Austin
If you are trying to protect your livestock, or your loved ones, from predators (with 4 legs or 2 legs), its’ better not to miss. Owning the latest and greatest firearms and accessories are worthless, if they are not set up correctly. Now is the time to do that, before it is a life or death situation.
Learn how to properly zero your optics, and at what distances. Learn what MOA is, and why it matters. Learn what optics to use, for different applications. We will discuss scopes, red dot sights, and iron sights, as well as the benefits and problems with new technology like night vision scopes and thermal scopes. We will also discuss how to properly set up weapons lights, slings, bipods, scope covers and camouflage paint- all to make hitting the target easier.
Secret Garden of Survival- How to Grow a Camouflaged Food-Forest
Rick Austin- The Survivalist Gardener
Imagine a food garden that you only have to plant once in your life-time, that takes up very little space, that will provide food for you and your family for the next 30 years; that can grow five times more food per square foot than traditional or commercial gardening; and where you never have to weed, never have to use fertilizers and never have to use pesticide– ever.
And the whole garden is disguised to look like overgrown underbrush, so that anyone passing by would not even dream that you had food growing there!
It’s the essential prepper food source that can provide you with all the fruit, vegetables, nuts and berries, that you and your family can consume in a year.
Secret Greenhouse of Survival- How to Build the Ultimate Homestead & Prepper Greenhouse
(This class will now be combined with the Secret Garden of Survival Presentation.)
Rick Austin- The Survivalist Gardener
Imagine a greenhouse that heats your home in the winter; and heats your water; that grows five times more food per sq. ft. than a hoop house; that provides food for you and your family all year long; where your food grows in 3 dimensions; where you never have to use fertilizer; where you never have to use pesticide, and where you can grow exotic foods, i.e. citrus or coffee trees in New England); that allows you to start seedlings in the spring; that hides your solar electric system; and that can house your small animals or incubate chickens and ducks.
All disguised to look like a porch on your home, so that desperate and hungry passersby would have no idea that you have food growing there.
Secret Livestock of Survival- How to Raise the 10 Best Choices for Retreat and Homestead Livestock
Rick Austin- The Survivalist Gardener
Protein should be a big portion of your diet in a homestead or retreat situation. Many traditional farm animals are not a good choice for the small homestead or for the prepper trying to remain undetected. (Hint- Roosters crowing are a dead giveaway to your location.) Find out what animals are the least amount of work for you, and give you the highest return on your investment of money, time and resources. And find out which livestock animals are the most discreet- so they won’t give away your location!
Situational Awareness For Everyone (S.A.F.E.)
Ken Hardy
In everyday life, people get comfortable in their environment, personal routines, and the comings and goings of others in their lives. This can be comforting, secure, and easy, however, becoming complacent and routine can allow for opportunists to take advantage of these habits by catching people unaware, vulnerable, and subject to harm. It can lead to being unaware of physical conditions that can lead to injury or even death. In today’s volatile and unsettled society, situational awareness is a key to avoiding a multitude of dangers, from predatory individuals to dangerous physical environmental conditions.
The S.A.F.E. presentation will cover such topics as atmospherics in social environments, awareness and observation of individuals who are behaving in unusual ways. Anomalies in everyday life, being aware of what should be “there” that is not “there” or conversely, something unusual that is “different” about a known environmental (daily routine) situation. The S.A.F.E. program will help the student understand more about observation of situations, how to develop observational skills, and determine whether a situation is potentially dangerous or could develop into a dangerous event. The development of these skills can help with mental acuity and cognition.
Solar Cooking
Trip Critz
Learn how to harness the power of the sun to cook, dehydrate, purify
water and be better prepared for emergencies. Trip, of SUN OVENS International will cover everything you need to know about using a SUN OVEN to bake, boil and steam foods. He will show how practical and easy it is to cook in a SUN OVEN and discuss the many economic, health, and environmental benefits of cooking with the sun.
Learn how to never have to worry about burning dinner again. Discover
how to use a SUN OVEN to naturally dehydrate fruits and vegetables, and
enhance winter sprouting. Find out how to reduce your utility bills and
the amount of fuel you need to store for emergency preparedness while
helping families in deforested developing countries around the world.
Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE)
David Dietrich
SERE is a training program that prepares U.S. military personnel, U.S. Department of Defense civilians, and private military contractors to survive and “return with honor” in survival scenarios. The curriculum includes survival skills, evading capture, application of the military code of conduct, and techniques for escape from captivity. A typical scenario involves exiting a vehicle, such as an aircraft or ship. Egress is followed by running from enemy forces, toward some pre-planned recovery point. Upon capture, many kinds of interrogation methods may be used to extract useful information from the captive. Both physical and psychological effects are employed. Finding the right moment to make your break is critical to fighting another day. All aspects of SERE may not be used, but a holistic approach provides the best solution.
While prescribed for a military environment, SERE principles can be applied to other circumstances as well, including emergencies resulting from a failure of civility. Surviving in the woods alone using knowledge of bushcraft is different from protecting your neighborhood group from an attacking gang. And if those same gang members are pursuing you for your scarce resources, you are in no less danger than from al Qaeda warriors. You may not be subject to a legal code, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t certain obligations you have to those nearest to you. And finally, if you are so unfortunate as to be taken by really bad people, then your life may depend on getting away from them as quickly as possible. Join us for a unique discussion forum. Perhaps you’ll discover a new formula for your preparedness planning.
Survival Groups
Forrest Garvin
Your most crucial prep is being in a survival group!
The only people that argue against this are not in a group. This class will cover: why your “expert” is not in a group, why you need a group, how to find a group, where to find people, what to look for in others, how to talk to others about groups, how groups will change you, how to prepare yourself for a group, how many should you have in your group, how to find a quick bug out location, what due diligence should you do, roles and responsibility in a group. My survival group has been together for 21 years, and I will share information others have never shared.
Survival Pyramid:
Brian Duff
Join our course, “The Survival Pyramid,” and equip yourself with essential life-saving skills at every level of preparedness. Level 1 focuses on situational awareness, honing your ability to react within one-third of a second. Level 2 teaches immediate action, helping you respond effectively in high-stress situations within three seconds. In Level 3, you’ll learn to ensure a steady supply of oxygen to the brain, critical for survival. Level 4 equips you to protect yourself from environmental threats for up to three hours. Level 5 covers nutrition, emphasizing the importance of nourishment for sustained resilience over three weeks. Finally, in Level 6, we explore societal aspects of survival, highlighting the significance of community support lasting up to three months. Don’t just survive; thrive with “The Survival Pyramid”! Your readiness can make all the difference when it counts.
Surviving Martial Law
L. Douglas Hogan
One of the greatest fears of the American populace are the thoughts of a second American revolution or a Civil War II. Martial law is coming! It’s not a matter of “Will it happen?” It’s a matter of, “When will it happen?”
This class answers the questions that people ask about martial law. It addresses the many facets of fear surrounding the topic, and challenges the attendee to question their readiness for the imminent declaration.
Tanning Hides the Old Fashioned Way- Brain Tanning
Mary Elizabeth Williams
Explore brain tanning, how to DIY equipment, and the mechanics of each step of the process. Live demonstration of scrapping, wringing, opening, stretching, and smoking. After this Introduction to brain tanning you will have a basic familiarity with hide tanning, we highly recommend you check out our online hide tanning course to guide you as you continue developing your brain tanning skills.
Terrorism Trauma Care – For Active Shooters and IEDs
David Dietrich
Both active shooter / mass shooting and improvised explosive device (IED) incidents typically involve mass casualties. These may result in injuries or deaths of multiple people, or multiple injuries or death of a single individual. In both cases, massive bleeding can be expected. One main difference, however, is that while penetrating injuries result from both firearms and explosives, the additional trauma of avulsion fractures / amputations is likely to be caused by exposure to explosive detonation.
This class will introduce some of the concepts related to shooting and explosives, the nature of exposure to such an event, and the types of responses that an untrained civilian might undertake. For example, is the perpetrator still actively present at the scene, or has he been neutralized? Has the IED been located and isolated, or has it already been detonated? Are you as the first responder, on scene from the beginning, or did you arrive later?
Scene safety will always be of paramount importance. You do not want to become another victim, either at the hands of the perpetrator, or law enforcement that may also be present. If you are to be effective, you must be aware of your surroundings as you identify both friend and foe. Structural integrity and other factors must be considered before moving in. A deliberate approach, in coordination with other on-scene responders, will improve your chances of success.
Finally, your focus will be to treat yourself and other on-scene victims. Rapidly assessing and treating injuries will help you maintain clarity of mind, and act effectively. Proper triage may mean the difference between life and death. You should follow a standard protocol, so that you can assess, treat, and move on to the next victim. Having a proper kit and knowledge of alternatives resources will be key to the task at hand. Join us for a discussion of this sobering topic.
(The) Trained Protection Dog – A Prepper’s Best Friend –And Best Security Asset.
Joel Ryals
Rising crime rates and social unrest are enough to make anyone want to increase their security. Electronic security measures are great…until the electricity goes out. A gun is good, but will it help you when there are multiple attackers? What is the one security asset (with lots of other benefits as well) that can help with multiple attackers, never needs electricity, doesn’t run out of ammunition and will be your best battle buddy till the end? THE DOG.
Come hear the many benefits a dog can add to your security spectrum from how to deal with the reality of a hostile confrontation to what happens to your defensive plans as soon as the fighting starts, to how the dog fills the HUGE gap between fighting with your hands and using deadly force. Do you need Security for you or your family while you’re gone? The dog may be the what you’ve been looking for.
Trapping Game and Predators
Melvin Case
The most upsetting thing for someone going through the trouble, time and effort, to raise their own food, is when you go to pick your bounty, and you find that some varmint has already beaten you to it!
So groundhogs, rabbits, raccoons, opossums, squirrels and the like, need to be kept in check.
Then there is the beaver that can take a fruit tree that took you years to grow, down in one night !!! They can also flood fields, and block culverts that can washout roads.
And fox, coyote, bobcats, and other predators, can devastate your chickens, ducks, rabbits, and goats in a matter of minutes.
When the SHTF you do not need the added work or loss of your hard earned resources.
And a trapped animal’s meat, fur and leather is an added benefit.
This is a practical trapping class, with hands-on demonstrations, on the ground, by the Back Bayou Tent.
Travel Security – How to protect yourself when traveling by vehicle, whether that’s in town, through the state, or through the country.
Mike Murray
We all know it is getting tougher on the road every day. Crime is up. Violence is everywhere. Abductions are always a threat, but we all still have to travel, don’t we? Are you looking for a “travel-centric” discussion on the topic of preparedness?
This class will help you assess what can make you a target to predators on the road and ways to mitigate the danger. We will cover some valuable skills that can help people get back on the road quickly and safely if they incur a breakdown, and we will cover some excellent resources available today that can make traveling easier and safer and provide you with confidence knowing you are prepared for your voyage.
Urban Break Contact Class- Bailing Out of a Vehicle Under Attack
Kerry Alzner
This class teaches you and family/teammates how to bail out of a vehicle under an attack. Think of being stuck in traffic or inner city and you come under attack. When under attack, I teach get out, where to gather and how to fire and maneuver away from the vehicle. I discuss what parts of the vehicle is cover and what part is just concealment. I discuss how to draw your handgun while seat belted in and how to get out of the vehicle, how to shoot around your family/teammates from both inside and outside the vehicle.
We also discuss the need for rifles and battle kits, where, how and when to use them. How to cover your partner getting their kit on and how they cover you (you don’t just standup in a gunfight). We also discuss how to fire and maneuver down a city street. Both on the same side or across the street from each other.
We cover the basics of getting off the street and into a building. We do this both day and night.
Utilizing Fibers For Homesteading and Survival
Jordan Smith
Fiber, such as wool, is a resource that people pay little attention to in today’s time. Natural fiber items are even less understood and almost considered an oddity with the number of synthetic products now in circulation. Having the ability and skill to make your own clothing could make or break a family or group during tough time. Gloves, hats, shirts, sweaters, underwear everyday things that we take for granted could have a huge impact on our lives and make an individual quite vulnerable.
This class will discuss the sources in which fibers come from, be it animal, plant or even insect. This will cover many of the main types of sources and the multiple uses for them in the prepper and homesteading lifestyle.
You will get to see first-hand the type of equipment that are ideal. As well as getting to see and handle some of the fibers up-close. I will also present and show how these fibers can be used and handled in its final process. You will leave with simple set of plans to build your own drop spindle. We will also discuss the how to begin in your new fiber adventure.
This class will allow you to walk away with a whole new view on this great resource.
Walking Cane for Self-Defense
Jay Heselschwerdt
The cane is a perfect weapon to carry anywhere. Airports, Government property, gun free zones, etc. The cane is not only a physical walking aid, but it is an unassuming self-defense weapon, perfectly legal everywhere, and in the hands of someone that knows how to use it. It is a formidable weapon.
The cane is already in your hand, able to open carry into gun restricted areas, and a great travel weapon. No one assumes the person with the cane is deadly. Which increases your chance of survival. The proper cane can keep people at a distance, break bones, drag people to the ground, trip, bone lock, choke, incapacity/subdued your attacker. Learn simple technical movements to protect you and your family.
What Happens After BANG!
Ken Hardy
What happens (really) after you have used deadly force to defend yourself and your family? …After you have exercised your right to self-defense, what happens next? What can go wrong, and how can you protect yourself, after you have pulled the trigger?
Course Outline:
- The structure of the Judicial system and how it works.
- The structure of the Judicial system and how it works…in reality.
- The act of self-defense, and it’s pitfalls. (It isn’t what you think it is)
- The cops and their role, how it affects you, and what you should do.
- Incompetence in cops, investigators, and district attorneys
- District attorneys and their political agenda and what that means to you.
- What happens to you physically, psychologically, and emotionally if you inflict deadly force or death in your self-defense.
- Examples of self defense gone wrong. (Short Ray Krone video)
- Train, Educate, and Reflect on options, (Run Hide, Fight)
- Question and answer (10-15 minutes)
- Conclusion. How to protect yourself
Wild Edible Plants/Survival Resources (Wild Edible Survival)
Richard Cleveland
Nature provides everything we need, to not just survive, but THRIVE!
Join Earth School’s founder Richard Cleveland as he guides you through the wild space around Prepper Camp pointing out, identifying and discussing the many uses of plants that surround us everyday.
Win against ‘Woke’: Defeating Leftism in Daily Life
Paul Valone
Using the playbook written by Saul Alinsky, leftists have spent 50+ years hijacking our media, our cultural institutions, and our schools. Your children are taught to hate America. Your speech is controlled. Your employer is “woke,” and you are being called “racist.” You can hide, hoping they won’t come after you or your children, or you can fight back. This seminar will teach you to fight.
Paul will teach you how to defend against leftists bent on running your life not in just state and federal governments, but also on school boards, city councils, county commissions, even HOAs. If you are sick of getting pushed around by the “woke” mob, this course is for you.
The fact that you are at PrepperCamp says you take preparedness seriously. But are you prepared to defend your rights before, during, and after what may come?
Wine Making – Made Simple
Jan Emore
Learn how to make this is old family recipe, that has easy to follow instructions, using simple equipment and common ingredients. Using this process, you can have wine in about 45 days.
Even if you don’t drink alcohol, wine is a great barter item. It is also an inexpensive way to produce alcohol for medicine and disinfecting.
Learn from Jan’s wine making experience so you don’t have to make the mistakes that she did. Come to this class and you will become a successful winemaker, using a simplified process, that is easy, convenient, quick, cheap, and productive.
Your Body Is A Weapon – Everybody’s Self Defense Class
Sara Hathaway
Your body is your number one weapon. There are numerous circumstances where your body may be your last line of defense, and you need to be ready to protect yourself. This class focuses on every age group, any sex, and any fitness level. We begin with the background basics of fitness, concentrating on improving that readiness level. Advancing to the next stage should always be the goal. During the class, we will discuss proper nutrition for maintaining an adequate preparedness level. Pain is an excuse for many individuals, so we will explore methods for reducing pain and inflammation that can hold an individual back.
Then we will explore how appearance and situational awareness can make or break you in a self-defense situation. It is essential to know your limits due to your age and prior fitness levels. You need to be able to assess your opponents’ abilities based upon their age and appearance. Knowing how to handle adrenal stress and getting practice at controlling the body’s response is another critical aspect we will explore. Then we will learn some useful tips on how to escape and evade an abduction. Plus, explore the basics of wielding and defending against a bladed weapon attack. Finally, we get into some hands-on practice focusing on learning a few moves very well rather than many movements, not so well.
The instructor, Sara Hathaway, grew up a country girl, shooting rifles and bowhunting. She began training martial arts in 2002 in a form called Kuk Sool Won. A fellow student introduced her to the sport of Taekwondo. Her training continued in the disciplines of Kuk Sool Won, Kukkiwon style Taekwondo and Moo Duk Kwon style Taekwondo. In 2007 Sara earned her black belt from Master Instructor John Jonghan Yi. As an individual concerned about disaster preparedness and self-defense, she realized Taekwondo was much more than a sport, and in 2010 she began training with Chief Master Dan Lovas at The Auburn Martial Arts Center. Sara trained off and on at the studio during the next few years and obtained her third-degree blackbelt in Taekwondo. During this time, she also participated in close quarters combat training with a private instructor, Doug Huffman. Sara has become one of six women ever to pass Dan Lovas’s jujitsu test and trained Sport-jujitsu as well. Currently, Sara is training in MMA at Precision Jujitsu, concentrating that training on street fighting rather than cage fighting.
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© 2014-2024, Aleven Goats Media Inc. All rights reserved.
Welcome to the Prepper Camp Shopping Mall! 
The fine folks below are coming to Prepper Camp to fulfill your needs for emergency preparedness, off grid living, survival, and homesteading gear and supplies. Please stop by and visit them before, during and after the Prepper Camp event!
King Johns Budget Bug-Out
We sell all the tactical gear you need including Body Armor & Carriers, Tactical Gear, Holsters, Scopes, Sights, Shooting Supplies, Moral Patches, Tactical Hats & Other needful survival items. You can also see us at the Pickens SC Flea Market and the Great American Productions Gun Shows.
HighCom Body Armor
Global AeroConnect, Inc. is proud to be a premier authorized distributor of Highcom Armor Products. With our agreement, we strive to provide the best with Highcom Armor in promoting and distributing specifically to foreign and domestic military and law enforcement agencies. Established in 1997, located and produced in Columbus, Ohio, Highcom Armor was the first company in the world to obtain the BA9000 Certification specific to ballistic resistant body armor manufacturing and testing processes in 2014. Our hard armor is some of the best in the world, meeting and exceeding the needs of the most demanding operators. Department of Defense and U.S. federal and state agencies, countless international coalition forces, and law enforcement agencies actively deploy our products in life-threatening situations.
HighCom offers a full line of military and law enforcement grade Level IIIA, III, III+, III++, IV and Special Threat hard armor plate inserts. Our hard armor plates are NIJ (National Institute of Justice) compliant, they undergo special threat assessment, and some models are independently tested according to the NIJ 0108.01 standard. Our plates are designed, developed, and manufactured using state-of-the-art processes and equipment to ensure quality and performance when deployed by operators throughout numerous tactical and urban situations. Over the past decade, Highcom Armor has delivered over 1 million plates to the US Military alone and considered by the government and its allies as a key supplier of high performing personal protective gear. Make the move today to dependable, hard and soft armor solutions.
Contact: Joe Benson, (708)-702-7900,
Fortress K9
Fortress K9 breeds, trains and sells high quality German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherds. Fortress K9 has served many people in the preparedness community by helping them increase their security and overall situational awareness by including dogs in their defensive plans. Joel is the owner and head trainer and is a 15 year Army veteran with 20 years of dog training experience. Joel has multiple combat deployments in Afghanistan (2003) and Iraq (2007) as well as being assigned to the Military Group in Bogota, Colombia in 2009 and has been a Prepper since 1999.
Dogs are available as Basic and Advanced Puppies, Fully Obedience Trained Dogs, Personal Protection, Family Protection and Executive Protection Dogs. Custom options and add on are also available. All Fortress K9 dogs come with a genetic health guarantee are socialized and stabilized to be safe around your family, children, friends and other pets. For those that already have a dog, online training options are available for basic and advanced obedience, agility and obstacle training, service dog training, and protection and tactical training.
Contact: Joel Ryals, Fortress K9 Owner
The mission of Aquaponics4All is to get the information out there that helps everyone to participate in this sustainable activity.
We are about the practical application of Aquaponic design and use. We offer Aquaponic how-to videos. Aquaponic set-up videos. Aquaponic instructional videos & Design videos.
We also create stand-alone aquaponics units, either single or double grow beds and Custom designed aquaponic systems for your existing landscape.
Ram Pump Demo – Southern Patriot
Learn how to build your own Water Ram Pump, to pump water around your homestead. Live demo of a 1,000 Gallons per day Water Ramp Pump. Helping empower homesteaders to take charge of their water supply.
The ram pump doesn’t require electricity to operate, and can pump water uphill, for watering gardens, livestock, etc.
Goat Milk Soap- Patch of Eden Farm
We produce the finest handcrafted Nigerian Goat Milk soap products you can find anywhere. The bars are hand poured using the COLD process preserving all of the natural oils and fats making our soap the very best thing you can put on your skin. We use ONLY organic or natural ingredients so you can see the benefits after just one use.
We have bath bombs, bath salts, candles and soaps for everyone! We have a charcoal soap and green clay acne soap. Jewel weed soap for poison ivy and pure therapeutic essential soap for every taste. Only at Prepper Camp you will get $1.00 off each soap and a special deal on our gift sets. Check out our website ( ) and our soap of the month club for an extra discount.
The New Calendar
So you’ve got your supplies, your rice, your guns, and your homestead. But when society collapses, who’s going to print you a new calendar every year? Society is built around the calendar and concept of time, so when SHTF better have time on your side. Resources will be scarce, so the ability to re-print another Gregorian Calendar every year on a 6-11-11 year cycle will be a luxury few will have. You need a re-usable, sustainable system that keeps you naturally attuned to the Earth’s annual orbital rotation. You need the latest, most cutting edge scientific technological developments in the field of timekeeping. You need The New Calendar. American Engineered in 2017, not mandated by the Pope in 1582.
There is a reason a ruler is a word meaning both a measurement device and a king. After SHTF make sure you control time, or someone else will. Don’t rely on the Gregorian Calendar to get you through the collapse of society — its part of the problem that got us in this mess! The New Calendar is the ONLY APOCALYPSE-PROOF calendar system available! It’s re-usable, provides consistent, precise and accurate measurements, and contains useful information to aid your homestead operations and survival organization.
We also have a cache of vintage 1960’s “Fall-Out Shelter” signs.
other Social media: @thenewcalendar
Usborne Books & More
In your prepping, have you prepared for constructive and educational activities for the children in your life?
Usborne Books & More is the leading publisher of engaging and educational children’s books appropriate for ages newborn & up, as well as all reading abilities and levels. Covering a wide range of topics and interests, our products include books, games, puzzles and toys. Come check out some of our 2,000+ titles available at our Bookmobile during Prepper Camp 2021!
Contact info: Naomi Havens, Usborne Books & More
7K Metals
Come to our booth here at Prepper Camp to buy the latest in Silver Eagles, silver rounds, silver bars, and “junk” silver to protect yourself from inflation and to use for trade, in a grid down situation.
You can also sign up for 7k Metals membership. 7k Metals is a precious metals dealer specializing in bullion at cost for a yearly membership fee. We are also the world’s premier dealer of graded specialty coins working with major grading companies like NGC and PCGS. We also have a compensation plan which rewards people for selling our memberships.
SheepDog Security
A leader in training of Military skills/tactics, Security, Survival, Counter Terrorism, Basic to Advance firearms Training, Active shooter responses, Advance Driving, Personnel Security/Body Guard, Home defense preparation. We will conduct this training Worldwide.
SheepDog Security can give training to your family, your Survival Group or corporations worried about global or domestic threats, the coming collapse and terrorist attacks. Get the skills you need to survive, be prepared and to rebuild.
Carolina Water Tank
We create solutions for collecting and storing water.
From rain water collection, to spring boxes to underground storage tanks, we have your solution to storing water.
Real Time Pain Relief – Gary & Lori McClellan, Owners
REAL TIME PAIN RELIEF is a must have for any prepper’s supplies. In a SHTF scenario, we will be forced to do things that are outside our normal everyday activities. There will be no time for rest and recovery. Enter RTPR, an FDA registered herbal based pain lotion, with emu oil, that will relieve sore and stiff muscles, hands, feet & backs that don’t want to move so that you can do it all over again the next day.
Stop by our tent for your free sample. Then, check out our money saving show special combos – Bug Out Basics, Prepper Essentials, When the SHTF Pack & The Ultimate TEOTWAWKI Backpack. Some quantities are limited.
The Grumpy Smith LLC
The Grumpy Smith LLC is committed to the preservation of American Cræft within the context of business. It is our belief that the sale and barter of goods is the driving force that motivated our ancestors to develop the skills and discipline that we call craft today. Our hope is that through a broad educational effort and the representation of work from craft artists across our great country we can preserve the beauty and knowledge of American Cræft.
Our main product offerings include hand forged candle holders, fire starters, camp cookware, knives and jewelry. We will also be offering hand made items from artists in a variety of other disciplines and selected products from great American small businesses such as TOPS Knives and the American Tomahawk Company.
GetReady! Emergency Planning Center
GetReady! Emergency Planning Center combines retail sales, education and training, and consulting into an integrated package for the community. At its core is trust, based on personal relationships. Community is the key to successfully overcoming adversity. We intend to promote the sense of common purpose between individuals, families, groups, businesses, and government officials. By working together, we will meet any challenge.
GetReady! product areas include commercial and custom medical/first aid, survival, water treatment, long-term food, vehicle, pet (primarily dog), lighting, heating, fuel, and cooking. All areas are supported by a broad selection of literature (i.e. books). Education and training are in the form of preparedness, survival, and certified first courses. Finally, consulting is focused on adverse conditions, which require self-reliance.
Artisan Oils
Artisan Oils makes high-quality, custom blends of essential oils that assist with various needs. We offer a large selection of all the basics plus many hard to find, rare oils (117 single element, and over 50 custom blends). We make several prepper essential oil kits geared towards various aspects of living off-grid or on the move/in an emergency. We also make accessories, incense, and a line of non-toxic cleaning, pest control, and personal care products, and wild harvest medicinal mushrooms, and have viable agricultural hemp seeds
Collectively, we have over 33 years of experience working with essential oils, and love to consult with people on how plant medicine can benefit them. If after a free consultation, we do not already have something pre-made that is right for you, we will make a custom blend on the spot while you watch!
Grannie Pam- Prepping with BIG Flavors!
Grannie Pam teaches cheese making, food dehydration and meals in jars. There will be a demonstrate making a 30 Minute Mozzarella. There will also be samples of other homemade cheese available for the participants to sample.
There will be a Power Point class on food dehydration. Samples will be brought to show how the food should look when it is properly dehydrated. There will also be dehydrated apples for the participants to sample.
There will be a Power Point class on Meals in Jars. Buckets, which include a variety of meals that only need water and heat to make them ready to eat, will be shown and discussed. There will be in depth instructions on how Grannie Pam puts her meals together and seals them for storage. Cookies made from food storage items will be given out as samples. They will also be shown in packaged, ready to cook, form.
Mountain Well-Being
Mountain Well-Being is a small, quality-driven company out of Asheville, NC. We specialize in manufacturing the safest and most effective Colloidal Silver, Colloidal Gold, and Colloidal Copper on the market. Colloidal Silver is one of the most essential emergency preparedness items!
Our products are made in small batches using pharmaceutical grade water that has been structured into tiny, hexagonal-shaped clusters of molecules. Structured water molecules are smaller and more organized than regular water molecules. This makes the solution “wetter,” able to contain more silver, gold or copper, and more bioavailable inside the body. Using structured water along with state-of-the-art electronics creates the most effective products possible.
Mountain Well-Being also distributes other key nutritional supplements that are essential for optimal health, such as Organic Sulfur (MSM), Iodine, Nano-Curcumin, Dimethylglycine (DMG), and Superfoods such as Moringa and Blue-Green Algae. All products come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Mountain Well-Being’s mission is to help people improve their health and well-being utilizing Nature’s precious minerals. We pledge to use the finest raw materials and the latest technology in creating powerful, life-enhancing products of exceptional quality at fair prices.
Sunset Sippers
Sunset Sippers has been creating personalized tumblers, can koozies, mugs and more since 2018. Our products make great gifts and are fully functional statement pieces.
All items start as stainless steel, are double walled and come in a variety of sizes. No matter the type or design you choose your drink will stay hot or cold for hours. We take custom orders or choose from the variety we have pre-made.
We can be found on Facebook by searching Sunset Sippers or Instagram @sunset_sippers.
Timothy French Publishing/ Americans Networking to Survive
Timothy French is the author of “Every Yard Is A Grave,” a post-apocalyptic novella, and the founder of Americans Networking To Survive. He will be promoting both at his Prepper Camp booth, so come by and say hello.
A.N.T.S is a network of neighbors helping neighbors. When disaster strikes, we support our members in the cities, towns, and states around us by relaying supply pods to any member that needs them.
In “Every Yard Is A Grave,” IT HAPPENED. Yellowstone erupted, and the remaining families of Beech Mountain, North Carolina, are trying to survive a years-long volcanic winter, and they are almost out of food. Gone are the days when you could walk into a grocery store to buy what you need; money is useless. Food is the only thing of value, and it’s not for sale; people who have it intend to keep it, and those that don’t intend to take it away. It’s the only thing people think about anymore. To not have it is to die.
Honey-B-Goodness is a woman and veteran owned business specializing in hand crafted, small batch, herbal salves, soaps (lye and melt & pour), lotions, and balms. We started out making salves, balms and soaps with excess honey and wax from our honeybee operation and herbs from our farm to provide ourselves with vital elements of first aid and hygiene. Once we had become proficient at the process we began giving the products as gifts for friends and neighbors We officially got started as a business in early 2019. We have since expanded our product lines to include: custom gift baskets, all natural bug repellent, pet products and more. We also run local small scale training events for those wishing to learn to make their own products.
All of our products are hand-crafted and packaged in our home. We grow and harvest our own herbal ingredients when possible and utilize only the finest oils and other ingredients sourced from reliable companies for the rest. We are dedicated first to our Lord Jesus Christ and strive to further His kingdom through sharing the gospel to any that are willing to receive it. Next, we strive to develop positive relationships and friendships with our customers and community through our business and personal interaction. Last, but certainly not least, we are totally committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products at a reasonable price.
WMD Protection – NBC Protective Masks
Instructor David Jones of WMD Protection has video presentations on nuclear, biological and chemical warfare defense, highlighting practical things everyone can do to protect themselves and their families at his booth.
We are offering top quality NBC protective masks from MIRA Safety and that are used all over the world by many countries Armies to include the US. These are NOT surplus but brand new, latest designs, in NBC Protective Masks. They use the NATO standard 40mm filters and have a drinking tube so you can hydrate while wearing your mask. We have two different styles depending on your level of field activity. These masks can also be equipped with optical inserts, for those that wear glasses, so you can do everything from engage targets to thread a needle.
The Prepper Camp deal is so good that I cannot tell you about it on this website because I may lose my dealer status by offering it but I can say this, you will never get this great of a deal any place else on top quality NBC Protective masks. If you ever wanted the peace of mind in owning one of these, come to Prepper Camp this year, it could be your last chance!
The booth also has knives of all shapes size and price ranges, as well as other unique prepper gear!
My website:
And my sponsor
Author Sara F. Hathaway
Author Sara F. Hathaway has dedicated her life to educating individuals about the importance of maintaining a relationship with nature, living a preparedness lifestyle, and the critical role of fitness in that equation. Drawing on her experiences growing up and living in rural America, her insatiable urge to learn has culminated into a vast knowledge base. She shares this information on a weekly podcast, The Changing Earth Podcast, and her online survival guide database at Sara first entered the spotlight in 2014 when she published the first novel in her eight-book series, The Changing Earth Series. Sara designed the stories to educate readers about essential survival skills while providing riveting entertainment.
The Changing Earth Series is a set of post-apocalyptic adventures that will have you on the edge of your seat! The stories follow Erika Moore, a young woman, wife, and mother, as she navigates a world torn apart by a rapidly changing planet. Her journey begins in Day After Disaster when an unforeseen disaster rocks the world. The next three novels in the series address the government’s response to the catastrophes and the personal freedoms citizens are losing as the world continues to alter the reality of the survivors. Fundamental changes destroy The United States of America in the fifth novel, Dark Days in Denver. As the Federal Republic of America forms, dictators declare supreme rule over the land and people. The final three books in the series explore the struggle for human existence against these monarchs and a planet rapidly reshaping itself. The novel Swenson accompanies the last four books in the series and brings the tyrant TJ Swenson to life.
Offgrid X by Hakim Isler
Outdoor and Urban Survival Instruction and Gear
(More Info to Come)
Hakim Isler aka The Black Macgyver.
PrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms, and preparing for disasters of all origins. This group is aimed at individuals that have interest in gaining knowledge, acquiring new skills and networking with like-minded individuals that are preppers and survivalists. PrepperNet currently has meetup groups in 70+ cities in the USA.
Goals of PrepperNet:
• Provide a venue for preppers to meet other preppers in their local area in hopes of members creating MAG/Survival Groups. 90% networking – 10% training/fun.
• Connect Preppers in the USA with our Opt-in/Opt-out real-time directory while providing OPSEC for all.
• With our partnership with AmRRON, PrepperNet will help create a nationwide prepper communications plan.
• Provide an Expert Panel of industry leaders to help train, motive and unite preppers nationwide.
• To Unite Preppers at a local level by providing group leaders with the training and tools needed to run a successful group.
• Create a nationwide network of local prepping groups.
Expert Panel Member: John Jacob Schmidt – AmRRON
Survivor Jane – SurvivorJane.Com Rick Austin – Secret Garden of Survival Scott Hunt – Practical Preppers Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy – Doom and Bloom Charley Hogwood – Ready Prep & Author of MAGS Glen Tate – & Prepping 2.0 Shelby Gallagher – & Prepping 2.0 Samuel Culper – Forward Observer Franklin Horton – Author Ryan Mitchell – The Tiny Life Brian Duff – Mind4Survival
Prepper Broadcasting Network
The Prepper Broadcasting Network is 10 dynamic host creating new podcasts 7 days a week on preparedness, self-reliance, and independence. The hosts are spread out all over the nation and give their unique perspectives and experience on homesteading, prepping, and freedom.
Visit or search Prepper Broadcasting on any podcast app.
Disaster Coffee – (At the Prepper Broadcasting Booth)
Caffeinate with a PURPOSE! Disaster Coffee is roasted to order premium coffee that is roasted to order and shipped right to your door. Our coffee does not sit on a shelf or in a warehouse. When you order it is roasted that day and shipped out.
AND get your coffee by the cup all day at Prepper Camp. Just come to the Prepper Broadcasting Network Booth!
A portion of our profits go to support disaster relief in America and Grindstone Ministries
Richard Cleveland – Earth School
Richard teaches programs throughout the United States and has also led programs in Australia. He has taught survival and self-reliance skills to Navy Seals and civilians alike. His Survival School has been featured on cable TV shows, local news channels and various publications. During the past 21 years Richard has taught nature awareness and survival skills to thousands of people of all ages. He is an avid outdoorsman, fishing guide, writer, public speaker and a self-trained Naturalist.
Richard will be selling some survival items and herbal items that he makes.
Earth School Channel – (YouTube:)
Wolf-Fire Firearms Instruction and Survival Training
Dave (often called “Wolf”) is a native to North Carolina. He qualified as “Expert” with the rifle, pistol and shotgun, among other weapon systems, in both the US Army and Air Force. During his time in the military, Dave, was recruited to instruct other soldiers and airmen skills and techniques which enabled them to qualify for their rifle and pistol qualifications. Dave also has experience working with the Emergency Response Team (the military’s version of a SWAT Team). He also served on the Combat Search and Rescue Teams and instructed (SERE) Survival, Evade, Resistance, and Escape training while stationed overseas. He brings this unique Skill-Set to his classes covering both Firearms and Survival with real-world experience.
Van Sickel Books- Timothy Van Sickel – Author
Tim Van Sickel is a Christian, husband, stepfather and grandfather. He is also a businessman and is active in his church. He grew up in Pittsburgh and currently resides in Johnstown, PA. He is a lifelong avid reader, and keeps informed of current events. He spent eight years as an infantry officer in the National Guard and is a graduate of Penn State University. He is an avid outdoorsman, enjoying both hunting and fishing.
He has desired to write a book in the post-apocalyptic genre for several years, but could never get the setting right. In late winter of 2016, the right venue was revealed to Tim, and in his words, “God inspired me to right this novel.” Before that day was over, the main characters had been developed and the story line was set. He wrote the first chapter that night and has not quit writing since. Tim has invested the time and expense of having his books professionally edited. You will find his works captivating and challenging in their realism. You will literally think, “My God, this could really happen,” as you read this descriptive saga of societal collapse after an EMP strike.
Wild Abundance
Wild Abundance is a school that teaches skills for self-sufficiency and survival. We’re based in North Carolina, just outside of Asheville. We offer both in-person and online classes. Our instructors have been practicing land-based living skills for decades. Our goal is to share these skills with everyone who wants to learn them.
Classes include: hide tanning (wet-scrape, brain tan method), natural building, tiny houses, herbal medicine and wild foods, primitive skills, and permaculture design. Classes range from a few days to over a week long. We offer the world’s first online hide tanning class to students around the world. It’s an extremely thorough and well-produced video-based course that will help anyone successfully make their own buckskin from a deer hide.
Prepper Press – Aden Tate – Author
Aden Tate is a part-time farmer – specializing in eggs, greens, and oyster mushrooms – and a writer when he’s not tending to livestock and crops. He’s a fan of Joel Salatin’s views on farming, Victor Hugo’s novels, and American history when it’s not written by revisionists.
Aden will be releasing his new work of fiction Zombie Choices: An Interactive Story for $15 at Prepper Camp 2020. Think of it as a video game in a book. If you’re familiar with (and liked) the old text-based adventure Oregon Trail, then there’s a good chance that you’ll enjoy Zombie Choices. Aden Tate is also the author of The Faithful Prepper: A Christian’s Perspective on Prepping, which takes a look at how prepping meshes with the Christian faith, examines whether or not prepping is a lack of faith in God, and looks at a number of other post-disaster scenarios.
The best ways to contact me are through Instagram at aden_tate_is_writing , or at my website . Prepper Press can be found at .
Survivor Jane – Author,
Survivor Jane is city-girl turned prepper/homesteader – moving to the Appalachian Mountains from Central Florida. She is the creator and editor of the survival preparedness website with a mission to educate others on how to better be prepared, by sharing her experiences and research in an easy to understand conversational format on various preparedness topics.
After noticing what seemed to be a lack of focus in personal hygiene and cleanliness in other’s preparedness plans, Jane authored the “Survivor Jane’s Guide to: Emergency/Survival Hygiene – A Prepper Cookbook on Making Survival Hygiene Products”.
In her new book, “What Could Possibly Go Wrong??? – How to Go from Completely Clueless to Totally Prepared” Jane’s focus is on the normalcy bias of women in today’s society and how they can overcome this bias (although the book can certainly apply to anyone.)
You can buy Jane’s books on amazon, and also at Aden Tate’s Prepper Press at Prepper Camp.
To find out more about Jane or to contact her go to her website ( ) for all her book and contact links.
Rick Austin the Survivalist Gardener, Secret Garden of Survival
Secret Garden of Survival-How to grow a camouflaged food-forest.
Imagine a food garden that you only have to plant once in your life-time, that takes up very little space, that will provide food for you and your family for the next 30 years; that can grow five times more food per square foot than traditional or commercial gardening; and where you never have to weed, never have to use fertilizers and never have to use pesticide– ever.
And the whole garden is disguised to look like overgrown underbrush, so that anyone passing by would not even dream that you had food growing there!
Find out how Rick Austin took a half-acre southern slope in North Carolina and turned it from red clay into a “food forest” in one year.
Secret Greenhouse of Survival-How to Build the Ultimate Homestead & Prepper Greenhouse.
This is the ultimate sustainable greenhouse, but purposely doesn’t look like it.
Imagine a greenhouse that heats your home in the winter; and heats your home’s water; that grows five times more food per sq. ft. than a hoop house; that provides food for you and your family all year long; where your food grows in 3 dimensions; where you never have to use fertilizer; where you never have to use pesticide, and where you can grow exotic foods, i.e. citrus or coffee trees in New England); that allows you to start seedlings in the spring; that hides your solar electric system; and that can house your small animals or incubate chickens and ducks.
All disguised to look like a porch on your home, so that desperate and hungry passersby would have no idea that you have food growing there.
Find out how you can build a greenhouse that does all that.
Secret Livestock of Survival – How to Raise the Very Best Choices for Retreat and Homestead Livestock.
When most people think of raising homestead livestock, they invariably think that they must have chickens and a cow. But truth be told, when it comes to raising livestock, there are a lot of reasons to avoid raising chickens altogether, and almost every reason not to own a cow.
Just like in my previous two books in this series (the Secret Garden of Survival and the Secret Greenhouse of Survival), this new book, the Secret Livestock of Survival, will show you how to grow your own sources of food (in this case- protein), with a much better return on your investment of time, money, feed, housing and real estate, than with traditional homestead thinking. And these livestock animals are discrete, so most people won’t even know you are raising them.
If you are serious about raising livestock, whether you are an existing homesteader, or just getting started, this book will save you many hundreds of times what it costs you to buy. (And the information contained in this book, can easily replace the need for you to buy about 10 other livestock books.)
All these books are available on, or at the Prepper Press Booth here at Prepper Camp.
Get all the links to Rick Austin’s social media, his books on Amazon, and his YouTube channel at his website:
US Law Shield
US Law Shield is a member benefit program providing legal defense for self defense to any US Law Shield member. We provide legal defense for any criminal action arising out of a self defense incident involving a member. Our program covers any incident of self-defense with ANY legal weapon, which can range from fists and feet to use of a firearm. There is no cap or limit to the cost involved in defending one of our members. Our attorneys are experts in criminal defense and are vetted by US Law Shield before participating as an attorney for US Law Shield members. We also cover defense of any civil litigation arising from a self-defense incident.
US Law Shield was formed in 2009 by a group of criminal defense attorneys in Houston Texas to protect the “good guys” who exercised their right to defend themselves, and found themselves on the wrong side of the judicial system. As 2nd amendment and citizens rights advocates, US Law Shield is now over 400,000 members and growing daily. Take a look, visit our booth and see how US Law Shield can protect you when you protect yourself and your loved ones.
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2023 Keynote Speaker
Curtis Bowers, Filmmaker : AGENDA: Grinding America Down, as well as the sequel, AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit
Videos by Prepper Camp 2023 musical guest: Five Times August (below)